Monday 29 July 2013

The Life of George Washington Part 1

Hi! Sorry this is Late!
George Washington.
Born: 22 February 1732
Died: December 14, 1799
Occupation: Served as Commander-in-chief for the colonial armies for the American Revolution and became America's first president.

George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland County, Virginia. George's father, Augustine Washington, married Jane Butler, his first wife who died in 1729. Mr. Washington married Mary Ball in 1731. George was the first child of Mary and Augustine. George's family moved to Little Hunting Creek Plantation, which was later renamed Mount Vernon, in 1735. In 1738 they moved to Ferry Farm.
Not much is know about George Washington's childhood. We do know that George was home schooled, and studied with the local church caretaker, and then a school master in math and geography, Latin and English. He had mastered growing tobacco, surveying and stock raising by hi early youth. George's dad died when George was 11.
In 1752 George's older half-brother, Lawrence, died leaving George the heir of the Washington lands. He was 20 when Lawrence's daughter died a few months later and then George was the head of Mount Vernon, one of Virginia's most noticeable estates. Over his life, George increased  Mount Vernon till it was approximately 8,000 acres.

This week is Part 2

God Bless,
Gilbert Stuart Williamstown Portrait of George Washington.jpg

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I would thank you if you would not use swear words.